The Easiest Way to Prevent Training Gaps and Improve Employee Performance

Every business owner starts their business with the intention of hiring engaged, focused, and high-performing employees to help them achieve their goals. But finding qualified and talented individuals isn’t easy, and even when you do find them, keeping your team members informed and interested in their daily tasks can be a challenge.

In order to maintain a positive and productive team, employers turn to training programs, looking to provide their staff with the educational support they need to succeed in their roles.

Problem solved, right?

Well, not so fast. Traditional approaches to employee training have proven to be costly, forcing business owners to shell out thousands of dollars for classroom space, instructor travel fees, and hard copy learning materials. These costs can be particularly burdensome for companies that often conduct temporary worker training, since the frequency of training them is much higher, and the pressure for workers to retain information is intensified.

Yet we know that effective employee training is highly valuable.

In fact, the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) collected training information from over 2500 firms and found that companies that offer comprehensive training have a 218 percent higher income per employee than those with less comprehensive training.

That’s a statistic that any business owner would want to capitalize on.

But what are the most effective ways to train employees? And how can business owners eliminate costly gaps in their training programs?

In this article, we’ll be sharing the most budget-friendly solution for combating a lack of proper training, and providing tips for getting your workplace back to being a highly-productive, well-oiled machine.



Mobile training is highly advantageous for a range of reasons. To start, it’s extremely cost effective. Many of the world’s leading brands have been able to significantly reduce the cost of their employee training initiatives by switching their training delivery methods.

A great example of this comes multinational technology conglomerate Cisco Systems INC, who cut their overall training costs by about 40-60 percent when it transitioned to online-based training.

With such compelling cost saving reports, it’s no wonder 67 percent of organizations now offer mLearning opportunities

By implementing a mobile training app for your business, you can stop spending on instructors and classrooms, and start reaping the benefits that come with an accessible, affordable, and easy-to-use solution.


Every business has its own unique training challenges. Some need help ensuring their sales representatives are highly knowledgeable about the products they sell, while others want to set high safety standards by ensuring all staff members undergo regular health and safety training — the possibilities are truly endless.

Whatever your training and development requirements are, you can tailor your mobile learning app to meet them. 

The ARC Reach app can be customized to include a range of features that enhance the learning experience for your employees and improve educational outcomes. 

Some of these features include:

  • Gamification elements like leaderboards, progress bars, badges, and flow theory
  • Learning simulations 
  • Video content
  • Discussion forums
  • Surveys
  • Personalized learning pathways

And more.

Each of these features comes with its own benefits, depending on what your business goals are.

For example, simulation-based learning opportunities are excellent for companies that need their employees to have finely tuned hands-on skills. These types of experiential learning features can improve retention rates by as much as 75 percent when compared to traditional training delivery methods.

Additionally, gamification elements like leaderboards have been shown to generate knowledge lifts among users by as much as 85 percent.

Once you have identified the training gaps within your own business, our team can recommend which of these mLearning solutions would work best for you, ensuring you receive a mobile training app that exceeds your expectations.


One of the many wonders of mobile employee training apps is the ability to monitor the progress of your employees, and instantly interact with them directly via the app. You no longer have to wait to hand out graded papers, or rely on quiz results to tell you how much of your lessons your employees are actually remembering.

This is especially advantageous for companies who hire temporary workers, and need to ensure large numbers of employees are on the same page when it comes to their understanding of the skills and information they are expected to know.

The ARC Reach app has the ability to alert your employees via push notifications when you send them an in-app message, greatly increasing the likelihood that they will see your communications. And you can monitor how each of your employees is performing from our convenient management dashboard, allowing you to provide valuable, personalized feedback in a timely fashion.

No other training delivery methods allow employers to have such consistent and convenient open lines of communication with their employees, making mobile learning a game-changing asset for any business.